Monday, April 29, 2019

Week 9 Case study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Week 9 Case study - Assignment ExampleA food history will be required to determine if the problem stems from an iodine-deficient diet.Anemia is also another do for lymphadenopathy. Anemia is characterized by low iron levels in the body, either from an iron-deficient diet or other metabolic and genetic disorders. Lack of iron in the body is commonly associated with hypo thyroidalalism, which can manifest through overstated thyroid glands (Ravanbod et al., 2013 Chandel, Chatterjee & Abichandani, 2015). Some studies have also shown that thyroid hormones are responsible for erythropoiesis (Iddah et al., 2013) and changes in thyroid service influence erythrocyte indices significantly (Bremner et al., 2012). Therefore, hypothyroidism may be the primary cause of anemia in the patient, which explains the incubus loss. To know if the condition is due to an iron deficiency, the patient will be required to provide a detailed diet history or any past illnesses that may interfere with iron transfiguration in the body.The patient will be required to undergo certain tests to confirm the cause of the slant loss and lymphadenopathy. Thyroid function tests are essential to determine if the thyroid gland is working as it should be. If the tests confirm hypothyroidism, a treatment plan will be formulated for the patient. However, if the problem is not from the thyroid gland, further tests to confirm the serum iron levels will be done. Iron deficiency is indicative of a poor diet or other metabolic disorders. Iron deficiency may also emergence the chances of thyroid dysfunction, which the woman is experiencing. Depleted iron stores are also a symptom of impaired thyroid function (Chandei, Chatterjee & Abichandani, 2015).Clinical signs can also show if the patient has anemia or hypothyroidism. To detect anemia, the doctor will check the fingertips and the inner sides of the eyelids to confirm if they are pale. Due to the low amount of hemoglobin in anemic

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