Tuesday, April 30, 2019

I used to live here once by Jean Rhys Discuss how this visit reflects Essay

I used to live here once by Jean Rhys treat how this visit reflects her feelings of displacement, taking into - Essay ExampleThe story is thus more of an autobiography where the author dialog about her brio. The gloss of the story is emblematical as she wrote many literary works about the friar preacher Republic during her school in Britain. The short story I Used to Live Here formerly is a small story in a collection of stories Sleep It off Lady. Therefore, the story is symbolic as it amplifies the despair, loneliness, and psychological trauma that come along with isolation in the range of a function life as she lacks a real identity element and commonwealth to identify with. Frickey (100) explains that the story being very short has been symboli exclaimy placed in the novel to signify a case of finale, which may signify the fade of Rhys aft(prenominal) many years of exile to Dominican Republic. The strong emotional presentation of the personas return in the story is cruc ial because of an important incidence in her life. The story is presented in a three person presentation, implying the fibber is not part of the story, which may signify lack of identity as the narrator was take from her ancestral home, she lost her identity and she presents herself as another person in case of duality. The title signifies the narrator is the main actor, but the use of third person may reflect loss of identity as explained. The story is an emotional reflection, where the persona recalls her ultimo life, and the developments that had occurred with her absence, recounting the mysterious journeys in life and the do they had in her life. The fragmentation is the main style employed in the narrative the author balances the present and past throughout the story, in connecting memories and the present until the end. Symbolism is another major stylistic device employed by the author. At the beginning, the author describes her surroundings as a blue mean solar day, and that the sky looked vitrified (Rhys 358). The blue day is symbolic of the clarity that the narrator remembers all events and her past life in the place she used to call home. However, glassy represents the new unremembered life that signifies the new life as she closes the river to search for her lost heavens. The sky looks glassy therefore signifies the unclear that she steps into after closing the river. This glassy and blue sky looks portray the reflections of the persona between the past that she clearly remembers, and knew, and a new life that is not clear to her. Frickey further argues that she is inordinately happy walking alone, recognizing the previous settings and noting the changes (100). Everything was thus much clear the persona, making her happy. The novel starts as she is standing(a) at the bank of a river, watching the flowing water, remembering each stepping stone (Rhys 358), and everything was as she remembered. flow water is symbolic of the rolling wheels of li fe. The persona is reflecting on how life has passed, and she clearly remembers each detail of her life as symbolized by stones. The unsafe stone was perhaps what had caused her disconnect and removal from her ancestral home as agitation by the natives increased symbolized by overflowing water, they were forced to exile. Wilson (68) explains that Rhys was just like other people who were forced to exile and disconnected from their ancestry, and their past. The session at the river therefore signifies reflection of how life has passed and the events that have happened since they were removed from their land. The theme of isolation and

Monday, April 29, 2019

Week 9 Case study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Week 9 Case study - Assignment ExampleA food history will be required to determine if the problem stems from an iodine-deficient diet.Anemia is also another do for lymphadenopathy. Anemia is characterized by low iron levels in the body, either from an iron-deficient diet or other metabolic and genetic disorders. Lack of iron in the body is commonly associated with hypo thyroidalalism, which can manifest through overstated thyroid glands (Ravanbod et al., 2013 Chandel, Chatterjee & Abichandani, 2015). Some studies have also shown that thyroid hormones are responsible for erythropoiesis (Iddah et al., 2013) and changes in thyroid service influence erythrocyte indices significantly (Bremner et al., 2012). Therefore, hypothyroidism may be the primary cause of anemia in the patient, which explains the incubus loss. To know if the condition is due to an iron deficiency, the patient will be required to provide a detailed diet history or any past illnesses that may interfere with iron transfiguration in the body.The patient will be required to undergo certain tests to confirm the cause of the slant loss and lymphadenopathy. Thyroid function tests are essential to determine if the thyroid gland is working as it should be. If the tests confirm hypothyroidism, a treatment plan will be formulated for the patient. However, if the problem is not from the thyroid gland, further tests to confirm the serum iron levels will be done. Iron deficiency is indicative of a poor diet or other metabolic disorders. Iron deficiency may also emergence the chances of thyroid dysfunction, which the woman is experiencing. Depleted iron stores are also a symptom of impaired thyroid function (Chandei, Chatterjee & Abichandani, 2015).Clinical signs can also show if the patient has anemia or hypothyroidism. To detect anemia, the doctor will check the fingertips and the inner sides of the eyelids to confirm if they are pale. Due to the low amount of hemoglobin in anemic

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Nestle Global Strategy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nestle Global Strategy - Research Paper ExampleAll the more as of late, the organization has been one of the essential focuses of the world-wide development against the packaged water industry. The organizations hardline spirt relations rules in poor nations have made it a lowlife in the eyes of the worldwide union operatement (Mattera, 2007).Nestls Strategy What is Transitional Strategy? It is the methodologies and mediations used to work with individuals who are qualification a move from a transient program towards a maintainable occupation. Settle receive the move method that holds the component of worldwide institutionalization procedure and confinement methodology to work its organization by the twenty-first century. By utilizing the transnational methodology, Nestle likes the ease by dint of economies of scale and offers distinctive item to diverse advertises with proud neighborhood responsiveness so as to safeguard its old showcases in the advanced food markets and se arch for potency development in rising markets. Settle utilize this technique to operation its business in the modify scene in Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America to improve parts and preparing engineering to neighborhood conditions and later on utilizing a brand name reverberates mainly as the social propensities contrast in diverse countries.For example, abbreviated Case Study Nestle has taken as much as 85 percent of the market in Mexico, 70 percent of the market for soups in Chile, 66 percent of the market for powdered milk in the Philippines. Besides, Nestle hired local singer to promote its goods in Nigeria, Planning of a lurch mechanism to increase efficiency in the China East, and the use of local material and majoring on local demand such as make ice cream in Dubai. Nestle focus on increasing profitability by customizing the firm products so that it provides a good match to tastes and preference in various nation. Customization instead of globalization is the sta r to Nestles strategy in emerging markets. Modes of Entering exportation What is Exporting? It is processing products in one nation and offering them in an alternate nation. This section substitute permits an organization to make the minimum number of progressions regarding its item, its association, and even its corporate objectives. Host nations normally dont like this practice in light of the fact that it gives less nearby job than under elective method of section. collateral exporting is the point at which a firm offers its locally handled products in an outside nation through a middle person. It has the minimum measure of responsibility and danger yet will most apparent furnish a proportional payback benefit. It is perfect for an organization that has no abroad contacts however postulate to market abroad. Direct exporting is the point at which a firm offers its locally processed ware in an outside nation without go-betweens. Settle gets included in immediate exporting when they accept their brashness of bargains will be sufficiently extensive and simple to acquire with the goal that they dont require mediators (Inking, 2013). An example is, the attach to will begin exporting Coffee Mate to markets beyond Asia this year, including South Africa, Turkey and West African countries such as the Ivory Coast (Campbell, 2013). Licensing Under licensing, Nestle offers the right to a trademark, patent, exchange mystery, or other comparatively esteemed things of savvy property

Saturday, April 27, 2019

How has religion impacted American society Term Paper

How has piety impact Ameri atomic number 50 society - Term Paper ExampleThis assignment explains the significance of holiness and the way it can impact various components of a society be it culture, education, politics or economics. The aras that are significantly below consideration in this paper are education and culture.Talking about the developed countries, it has been observed that the States is more or less sacred as far as the demographics is concerned. In 2002, a survey was conducted which revealed that citizens considered religion as a very important part of their lives and it was an area which was given high respect and priority. An attitude similar to this was to a fault observed in Americas neighboring country Latin America. To study the impact of religion on American culture, it is necessary to understand the meaning of both the terms and the relationship between them. piety is a system of principles through which individuals identify their existence and base the ir explanations of the universe and the natural occurrence that are linked with it. Culture is a set of methods, values and norms that are adopted and right by multitude in a society which are also transferred form one generation to the other. In America there is not a universal religion, a number of religions which include Christianity, no religion, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism and Bahai Faith. on the whole the religions have had their respective impacts on the American culture. A few of them will be discussed here. The religion that is practiced by majority of the Americans is Christianity which further branches out into more sects that are considered to be a part of Christianity. Christianity pays fierceness on compassion, in the light of this teaching individuals make attempts to help the needy and to assuage distress of the affect ones. Donations are paid in higher amounts and in case of disasters, every individual rushes to help their practical(prenominal) brothers. Christianity has also discouraged homosexual relationships and has put a stop to them which has ultimately affected the family life and conserve wife relationship in a positive way. (David, 89) Islam has also been rated as the fastest growing religion in America. It started after the African Muslims arrived here and immediately formed a community of their own named as Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. American culture has experienced a relative difference since the emergence of Islam which encompasses building of mosques, system of political and donation organizations and other Islamic practices. The Muslims have immigrated to America in large numbers peculiarly in the year 2005 which has significantly affected the culture in a way that Muslims checkly counter part in the educational matters. Islam discourages the ideological perception of granting superiority to a particular race and gives equal status to mankind including slaves. This has encouraged slaves particularly t o enter into Islam empowering them in the wake. Impact of Religion on reading in America Maintaining a balance between education and religion has emerged as a predicament and persistent problem in America. Arguments and discussions have been held to ponder over the problem of right placement of religious education in the course outline. The two parties involved in this battle are religious conventional, secularists and liberals. The source demands religion to be included in the basic public education whereas the latter thinks it is a secret issue and should not be confused with worldly education. However the importance and impact of religion cannot be ignored. The teachings of religion gave a new prospect to the human life. As far as the Greeks were concerned, they emphasized on the human mind whereas Christianity showed man his soul. The benefits and impact of religion on American education can be better understood if compared

Friday, April 26, 2019

Meditation for chronic pain backed by nursing research Paper

Meditation for continuing wound backed by nursing - investigate Paper ExampleIn this regard, the current discourse aims to determine what nursing seek says about use surmisal to manage inveterate pain and, according to the role of nursing, one seeks to determine if this modality is effective in treating chronic pain. Nursing Research on Meditation to Manage Chronic Pain The research article create verbally by Chiesa and Serretti (2011) and entitled Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Chronic Pain A Systematic Review of the separate proffered pertinent issues relative to victimization mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) and mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) techniques to alleviate chronic pain. As disclosed, MBSR is a alike(p) group-based meditation program conceived in the late 1970s from the effort to integrate Buddhist mindfulness meditation with contemporary Western clinical and psychological practice (Chiesa & Serretti, 2011, p. 83). The authors initially desc ribed techniques commonly applied in MBSR that focuses on body scan, sitting meditation, and yoga (Chiesa & Serretti, 2011). The findings revealed in determinate evidence regarding the effectiveness of using MBIs as an intervention for chronic pain and to allegedly reduce related depression that ensues from the pain experience. In another study write by Morone, Lynch, Greco, Tindle, and Weiner (2008), the authors sought the participation of 27 older adults reportedly complaining of low back chronic pain. Through the use of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), in conjunction with diverse methods that aim to reduce pain, much(prenominal) as distraction, increased body awareness leading to behavior change, better pain coping, and direct pain reduction through meditation (Morone, Lynch, Greco, Tindle, & Weiner, 2008, p. 841), participants have noted in their respective diaries, significant improvement in managing pain, in well-being, in sleeping, and in attention-related activit ies. Finally, in the study conducted by Tul, Unruh, and Dick (2011), the authors specifically aimed to determine how yoga, a form of meditation, serves as a means to address chronic pain. As specifically revealed, the yoga program offered its participants a new way of engaging with their body resulting in heightened re?ection and self-awareness that enabled most participants to feel more ascendence over their pain (Tul, Unruh, & Dick, 2011, p. 440). As such, the meditative strategy accorded through yoga enabled the participants to refocus on more official methods for relaxation that allowed them to channel their energies to meditation techniques rather than be fixated in the chronic pain. The research article written by Chiesa and Serretti (2011) actually included, through a tabular representation, the summary of previous studies conducted on the subject of using meditation as a means to alleviate chronic pain. The summary disclosed that 10 conclusive studies had focused on MBIs b ut generated different results, as above noted. As clearly founded, there is not yet suf?cient evidence to determine whether MBIs could be more ef?cacious than nonspeci?c interventions such as support and educational control groups for the reduction of pain and depressive symptoms in patients with chronic pain (Chiesa & Serretti, 2011, p. 91). Meditation as Modality to airiness Chronic Pain As Seen through the Role of Nursing From the diverse results that were disclosed and which

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Marine Corps O&M Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

shipboard soldier corps O&M - Assignment ExampleIn addition, funds be provided to assist landing force training, marine detachments afloat and security forces given the duty to guard the maritime and other government activities ashore, Norway prepositioning and maritime prepositioning ships. Some of the shore facilities that get support from this appropriation include iodine Marine Corps system command, eleven air installations, one Marine Corps combat development, 2 expeditionary warf atomic number 18 training groups and one Marine Corps air ground combat. These shore facilities are maintained at high level of standards to ensure that there is effective utilization of resources and avoidance of study re doment costs while at the same time allowing for operations and maintenance of Marine Corps on an effective and economical basis.Furthermore, this Marine Corps appropriation endorses other activities such as mo destination transportation of things, special training of personnel , overhaul of equipment and repair, and other expenses that might be incurred. This appropriation uses the Marine Corps supply system that offers Marine units with relevant and proper equipment and material in quantity, time, condition and place required. It is also important to note that this appropriation provides support programs to Marine Corps such as persona of life which includes services such as child care, youth development, and procurement of relatively cheap equipments call for to outfit new military development projects at Marine Corps camps and compensation for injuries incurred while on duty. The Marine operation and maintenance budget request of $ 4,961.4 million shows an increase in budgetary apportioning to maintain and sustain the operation of Marine Corps.Budget for operating forces is made up of two tasks, USMC propositioning and military Forces. In this case, the expeditionary forces activity

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

COmpare and Contrast Human RIghts Instruments in groups Essay

COmp ar and Contrast Human RIghts Instruments in groups - Essay ExamplePeople crosswise the globe bathroom be categorized into diametrical groups according to their needs. In order to uphold the rights of different recognizable groups, there are different instruments that are used. Thus, according to the United Nations (2006, p.3), the following human rights instruments are used to protect the rights of different groups Article 40 of the International Covenant on Civil and political Rights (ICCPR), 1966, Article 9 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, (ICERD), 1965, Article 18 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), 1979, Article 19 of the Convention against Torture and otherwise Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT), 1984, Article 44 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), 1989 and Article 73 of the International Convention on the Protection of th e Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, (ICMW), 1990.In every nation, there are different political groups and they represent diverse views and interests. However, there is a design by dominant political groups to suppress other groups with diverse ideological view but this should non be the case since any person according to the United Nations has a right to join a political group of desire. In this regard, it can be seen that Article 40 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), 1966 is the instrument used to protect the rights of people belonging to different political groups. Similarly, it can be seen that people across the whole globe belong to different races and it can be seen that they involve a right to equal protection under international law. The instrument that can be apply is Article 9 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, (ICERD), 1965. In the identical vein, it ca n be observed